Guest editorships of journal special issues and sections 
(2023) Public Transport as Public Space (with Tauri Tuvikene, Wladimir Sgibnev & Jason Finch), Urban Studies, 60(15).
(2022) Degrowth, cities and planning (with Jin Xue), Local Environment, 27(4).
(2022) Informalities in urban transport (with Lela Rekhviashvili, Claudio Sopranzetti, and Tim Schwanen), Geoforum, 136.
(2022) Moving past sustainable transport studies: towards a critical perspective on urban transport (with with Frédéric Dobruszkes and Kobe Boussauw), Transportation Research Part A, 159 (2).
(2020) Decolonial Approaches to Urban Transport Geographies (with Astrid Wood and Tauri Tuvikene), Journal of Transport Geography, 88.
Academic articles
(2024) How does transport scarcity affect women’s everyday life? ‘Herstories’ of daily mobility in Santiago de Cuba (with Monika Maciejewska), Journal of Transport Geography, [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS].
(2024) “I always say, it’s the icing on the cake”: the discursive production of fare-free public transport in Luxembourg (with Merlin Gillard, Kobe Boussauw & Veronique Van Acker), Urban Geography, [DOI].
(2023) Assessing public transport loyalty in a car-dominated society: the case of Luxembourg (with Monika Maciejewska, Veronique Van Acker & Kobe Boussauw), Journal of Public Transportation, [DOI].
(2023) ‘Bouncing between the buses like a kangaroo’: Efficient transport, exhausted workers (with Chiara Vitrano), Mobilities, [DOI].
(2023) Public Transport as Public Space: Introduction (with Tauri Tuvikene, Wladimir Sgibnev, and Jason Finch), Urban Studies, 60(15), 2963–2978. [DOI]
(2023) From Bełchatów to Żory: Charting Poland’s geography of fare-free public transport programmes (with Daniel Štraub and Monika Maciejewska), Journal of Transport Geography, 111. [DOI]
(2023) Motivations and characteristics of FFPT policies in selected Brazilian municipalities (with Thais Fernandes Pereira and Marijke Vermander), Journal of Sustainable Urban Mobility, 3(1), 122–138. [OPEN ACCESS]
(2023) Degrowth is coming to town. What can it learn from critical perspectives on urban transport? Urban Studies, online first. [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2022) Beyond fear and abandonment: public transport resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic (with Louise Sträuli, Tauri Tuvikene, Tonio Weicker, Wladimir Sgibnev, Peter Timko and Marcus Finbom), Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 16. [DOI / OPEN ACCESS]
(2022) “The gates of paradise are open”: Contesting and producing publicness in Brussels’ metro through fare evasion (with Louise Sträuli), Urban Studies. [DOI / OPEN ACCESS]
(2022) The making(s) of an alternative urban policy: what happens when free fares come to town? Antipode, in press. [DOI / OPEN ACCESS]
(2022) Informalities in urban transport: mobilities at the heart of contestations over (in)formalisation processes (with Lela Rekhviashvili, Claudio Sopranzetti, and Tim Schwanen), Geoforum. [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2022) Spatialising degrowth, degrowing urban planning (with Jin Xue), Local Environment, 27 (4), introduction to a special issue. [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2022) Moving past sustainable transport studies: towards a critical perspective on urban transport (with Frédéric Dobruszkes and Kobe Boussauw), Transportation Research Part A, introduction to a virtual special issue, 159, 74–83. [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS
(2020) Moving in informal circles in the global North: an inquiry into navettes in Brussels (with Lela Rekhviashvili), Geoforum. [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2020) Decolonial approaches to urban transport geographies: Introduction to the special issue (with Astrid Wood and Tauri Tuvikene), Journal of Transport Geography, 88. [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2020) Placing cities in the circular economy: neoliberal urbanism or spaces of socio-ecological transition? (with David Bassens and Deborah Lambert), Urban Geography, 41 (6). [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2020) Circular economy and the city: An urban political economy agenda (with David Bassens and Deborah Lambert), Culture and Organization, 26 (2). [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2020) Why (not) abolish fares? Exploring the global geography of fare-free public transport, Transportation, 47(6) [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2019) Moving past the sustainable perspectives on transport: An attempt to mobilize critical urban transport studies with the right to the city (with David Bassens and Mathieu Van Criekingen), Transport Policy, 81. [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2019) Towards an urban political geography of transport: Unpacking the political and scalar dynamics of fare-free public transport in Tallinn, Estonia, Environment and Planning C (with Tauri Tuvikene, Tarmo Pikner & Jussi Jauhiainen), Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 37 (6). [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2018) ‘All transport problems are essentially mathematical:’ The uneven resonance of academic transport and mobility knowledge in Brussels (with David Bassens), Urban Geography, 39 (3). [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]
(2014) How ‘alternative’ alternative urban policies really are? Looking at participatory budgeting through the lens of the right to the city (with Mathieu van Criekingen), Métropoles, 15. [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]

(2014) Budżet partycypacyjny: ewaluacja [Participatory Budgeting: An Evaluation]. Warsaw: Instytut Obywatelski.
(2013) Budżet partycypacyjny. Krótka instrukcja obsługi [A Brief Guide to Participatory Budgeting]. Warsaw: Instytut Obywatelski.

Book reviews
(2022) Exploring the political economy of public transport with its planners, passengers and workers, book review (Kafui Ablode Attoh, Rights in Transit. Public Transportation and the Right to the City in California's East Bay, Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2019), Transfers, 11(3). [DOI] [OPEN ACCESS]

Working papers and reports
(2022) A better future without the North Metro (with Maxime Fontaine., Michel Hubert, Frédéric Dobruszkes, Chris Kesteloor, and Pierre Laconte). BSI Position Papers, no. 2, 19/04/2022. [OPEN ACCESS
(2021) Public transport as public space in European cities (with Tauri Tuvikene, Tonio Weicker, Jason Finch, Wladimir Sgibnev, Louise Sträuli, Silja Laine, Frédéric Dobruszkes, and Aleksandra Ianchenko), Forum IFL, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig. [OPEN ACCESS]
(2021) COVID-19 and public transport: insights from Belgium (Brussels), Estonia (Tallinn), Germany (Berlin, Dresden, Munich), and Sweden (Stockholm) (with Markus Finbom, Wladimir Sgibnev, Louise Sträuli, Peter Timko, Tauri Tuvikene, and Tonio Weicker), Forum IFL, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig. [OPEN ACCESS]
(2020) Toward a Circular Economy Scan: Measuring Circular Practices among Retailers in the Brussels Capital Region (with David Bassens, Sarah De Boeck, Deborah Lambert, and Hunter Reinhardt), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Cosmopolis, Brussels. [OPEN ACCESS]